Pre-Party & Post-Party

Join us if you can!

Note: Please email/call/text Libby & Ethan to notify if you plan to attend any events listed here:

  • April & May – Party Prep
  • June:
    • Thursday June 6:
      • 6pm: Backyard Bluegrass @ Columbine Cafe. This is a rustic local bar, a place that cares so much about Golden history that they only serve Coors & Coors Light. They have live bluegrass in their backyard during the summer, should be fun if you’re around on Thursday.
    • Friday June 7
      • 6pm: Happy Hour at Coda – local craft brewery, enjoy food trucks for dinner or other food options nearby.
      • 9PM: Spearhead at Red Rocks. This will be a fun show at our nearby world-class music venue. The bride and groom cannot attend, but still recommended for anybody looking for fun nearby events.
    • Saturday June 8:
      • Suggestion: Go for a hike on South Table Mountain or Red Rocks area.
      • 5-10pm: Wedding Party on Secrest St.
    • Sunday June 9:
      • 11am: Breakfast/Brunch @ location TBD